Saturday, January 31, 2015

For the Dreamers....

For the past two weeks, I have been trying to find the right words for a blog post on dreams, finding those very words is proving to be quite difficult. 
I believe God gives us dreams, desires, longings to do something with our time on earth. I also believe very few make their dreams come true, I feel that it is instilled as us a human beings to pursue something, anything. Our life is made of looking forward, whether it be planing out years, or simply trying to get your week planed, we dream all the time. 
Putting aside all practicality, if you could fulfill any dream, what would it be? where would you go? what would you do? 
I have been told over and over again that my dream is simply all in my head, my dream is not possible. I am here to tell you that dreams are possible, that they can happen. Don't give up on your dreams, whether you are 8 or 82, keep dreaming, keep working towards you goals.
That brings me to something else. Working. Dreams take work, some, more than others. Yet you can't sit around waiting for you dream to come knocking at your door, I am very much sorry to say. Pray about it, if you believe that it is something God wants you to do, go after it, do it, work for it, prove people wrong. 
One more topic, Pray. we must be careful, and always go to God before anyone else. I caution you, follow your dreams, but be sure that they are God-centered dreams. 
"With God, all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26) 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Precious gifts of God.

I have had the wonderful opportunity to be a part of something called Kids Club. 
A group of three or four of followers of Jesus go into a public school once a week and spend an hour teaching the kids about Jesus and what he did for them, along with singing songs, playing games, and building friendships. 
Even though we have only done it about three times, being a helper at kids club is changing my life. Seeing these precious little faces light up when we talk about The Creator, seeing the eagerness in their eyes, craving to learn more about this God and Jesus we talk about, its all so amazing, God is doing great things. Some of them are just so excited about it all, about singing the songs and doing the motions to the memory verse, and when my sister stands up to give a lesson, and asks questions, there are always at least 10 kids who raise their hand, jumping up and down saying "I know! I know the answer!" I am growing to love each and every one of the children. It also all gets me thinking, 
Kids grow up. Kids become adults. What are we teaching our kids in America? are we helping to build them up, or simply tell them "your too little, you will understand when your older." or "Your too little, you can't do that." I know that there is a time and place for such phrases, but how often to you say that to a child because its easier than taking time out of our day to help them understand or do something? If they won't know until they grow up, how are they expected to know what to do when they grow up? Listen to what kids have to say, it may surprise you. Show them Jesus love, so that they might grow to be God fearing adults. 
"but Jesus said, "let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14