Today, was a great day!
This post will be a follow up like on my previous post, " Pony's, Jonah, and other such things"
Went riding again today, in a western saddle ( So I was much more comfortable with what I was doing.) And the horse picked up the canter the second time! The overflowing joy that came with that simple, couple strides of the canter was amazing.
The only way I can put cantering in words, to say that it has to be the closest thing to flying. My instructer also had a great day, she got her horse to canter around the ring three times, with out trying to buck her off. ( Hes a bit of a challenge)
Its funny, how much easier it would have been for all of us if the horse would have just done what I asked in the first place. Yet instead, he just fought and fought and fought last time. He wouldn't do what I was asking of him, and he paid for it in spending a lot longing in the riding ring that he would have if he would have just listened in the first place.
How often do we just fight and fight with God, not wanting to do what he asks of us? we think we know what is best for us, so we just push him aside or try not to think about it...
He's asking, and asking, yet we just don't listen? Why can't we just do as he asks, and trust that hes not going to lead us stray? The horse has to trust me that I am not going to ram him into a fence, or make him do something hes not ready to do. In the same way, we have to trust God, that hes not going to lead us into something we're not ready for.
" Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make strait your paths." ( Proverbs 3:15)
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